Public Act of Remembrance

Act of Remembrance in Knaphill - 11/11

This was the 3rd year that we have held a Remembrance Service in Knaphill Village.  We hold the Service on Armistice Day, November 11th instead of the nearest Sunday.  We gather outside the Old Library.  The Service this year had a special poignancy, as there is now no one living that served during the First World War, which is why it is so important that we do this each year.  The Service was led by our Minister the Rev Richard Sherlock.

There was a large crowd of people from the village; we were also joined by Woking MP Jonathan Lord, Local Councillors Melanie Whitehand and Tina Liddington plus Members of the Armed Forces and the British Legion. Children were represented by Pupils from Knaphill Junior School.  The Children had been learning about the Battle of Britain and several of the children read Poems they had written about the event, which were excellent and very moving, considering they have never experienced War.

The 2 minute silence was observed with Ruth Moore playing Last post and Reveille and a Piper played a lament.  Rev David Faulkner from the Methodist Church and Rev Nick Grew, Holy Trinity lead Prayers.

It is occasions like this that give us the opportunity to be in the community with the people of the Village.  After the Service it is good to go into the King’s House Coffee Shop, for Coffee & Cake decorated with a Poppy.

Judy Spink

Our Theme for 2025

We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

Psalm 33:20-21