A Fond Farewell

It was with mixed feelings we said farewell to Richard and Larrie on their last Sunday with us.

StuartRichard’s final service concluded the whistlestop tour of Paul’s letter to Philippians with Rev Stuart Davison (SEBA team leader and regional minister) preaching on Chapter 4. Stuart reminded us that Paul focuses on Peace, Joy and Security – we should rejoice.

  • Peace because of what Jesus has done – now go and BE peacemakers
  • Strength in the security of our relationship with Jesus
  • Joy from all the good things of life – looking for the good in the world despite persecution or difficulties

Stuart concluded by encouraging us all, but especially Richard, to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, and to live out the gospel.

PresentsDuring the service Richard and Larrie were presented with Gift from the older and younger Junior Church groups (ACE and JIGSAW). We were also really pleased to welcome representatives from other village and area churches, and the local Councillors, with whom Richard has worked closely over the past few years.

Lunch then followed, and in the usual tradition of KBC’s bring and share meals was magnificent.

Eric then spoke to the gathering, highlighting the huge steps forward the church has made under Richard’s ministry, thanking him and Larrie for their service, and sharing a few small embarrassing moments! A greeting was brought from the Area Baptist Churches by Rev Chris Bird before Richard responded with a few words of thanks and encouragement.

Richard now moves on to Cottingham Road BC in Hull, and we hope to send a contingent to his Induction Service there on Feb 21st.

Our Theme for 2025

We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

Psalm 33:20-21