Bible Reading Notes for December

Christ in the manger The word became flesh. God became a human being. Why? How? What does it really mean? In these Advent mediations, we will be meditating on these and other questions that the Incarnation raises by looking at various Old and New Testament passages. ‘Incarnation’, like ‘Trinity’, is not actually a New Testament word but means to ‘give a bodily form to’ or ‘to make flesh’. As we get nearer to Christmas, we will be looking specifically at the Nativity passages so that we may again enter fully into the wonder of the Christmas story. We do this so that we can prepare ourselves for his coming. This year we have seen the celebration of As the poet John Betjeman put it so well: –

The Advent wind begins to stir
With sea-like sounds in our Scotch fir,
It’s dark at breakfast, dark at tea,
And in between we only see
Clouds hurrying across the sky
And rain-wet roads the wind blows dry
And branches bending to the gale
Against great skies all silver-pale.
The world seems travelling into space,
And travelling at a faster pace
Than in the leisured summer weather
When we and it sit out together,
For now we feel the world spin round
On some momentous journey bound-
Journey to what? to whom? to where?
The Advent bells call out ‘Prepare,
Your world is journeying to the birth
of God made Man for us on earth’.
And how, in fact, do we prepare
For the great day that waits us there…

Download the notes here. Bible-Reading-Notes-Dec-17.pdf


Our Theme for 2025

We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

Psalm 33:20-21