Bible Reading Notes for December

Christ in the manger

The word became flesh. God became a human being. Why? How? What does it really mean? In these Advent mediations, we will be meditating on these and other questions that the Incarnation raises by looking at various Old and New Testament passages. ‘Incarnation’, like ‘Trinity’, is not actually a New Testament word but means . . . → Read More: Bible Reading Notes for December

Knaphill Fellowship Group Launched

Knaphill Fellowship Group

You may have heard of the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), well we now have the next best thing in Knaphill, the KFG!

The Knaphill Fellowship Group meets weekly in the church, our sole aim to fight loneliness and have a good time. The group is for anyone aged 18 – 80+.

Sessions will be guided . . . → Read More: Knaphill Fellowship Group Launched

Good News, Great Joy!

Shoeboxes at KBC

Along with churches, schools and workplaces across the UK and wider, KBC member have been packing shoeboxes. . . . → Read More: Good News, Great Joy!

Our Theme for 2025

We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

Psalm 33:20-21