General Election Hustings

General Election Hustinga

Church4Knaphill will host a General Election Hustings for the Woking Constituency on Thursday 27th June, at 7:30pm, at Holy Trinity Church.  Questions can be submitted in advance via Pieter, the deacons, or at

What does a Street Angel Carry?

Street Angels

Our Theme for 2024

Jesus is Lord!

Is Jesus your Lord? It’s the best choice you can make this year! . . . → Read More: Our Theme for 2024

Thank You Santa

Santa visited

We were very honoured that Santa was able to take a little time out from his busy schedule to come and meet some of the children of Knaphill! Thank You Mr and Mrs Christmas!


Romans Course

We’re running the Bible Society’s Romans Course. Starting Thursday 26th October at 7:30pm, we’ll meet fortnightly to work through this excellent 10 session study centred around video presented by Andrew Ollerton of the Bible Society. 

We look forward to seeing you! 

CAP money Course

Cap Money Course

We’re running the CAP money course in March – it’s a free course to help you manage your money better and learn to budget, save and spend well.

Friday 17th, 24th and 31st March from 12:30. We’ll serve a light lunch. 

Please contact us for more details. 

. . . → Read More: CAP money Course

Prayer for Ukraine – Молись за Україну

Pray for Ukraine

The churches of Knaphill met for a day of prayer to mark the first anniversary of the brutal conflict in Ukraine. . . . → Read More: Prayer for Ukraine – Молись за Україну

Motto for 2023

Love One Another

‘A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’

John 13:34-35

Rev Pieter Lalleman introduced our 2023 Motto.  

At the beginning of the year, many people ask: . . . → Read More: Motto for 2023

Thank You Santa!

Santa and the Elves

We were very privileged to have a visit today from the busy man himself. And not only that – Mrs Claus as well! They were able to meet lots of local Children – all of whom seemed to be on his “Nice” list and left with a present. And he checked it twice.

Thank you . . . → Read More: Thank You Santa!

Christmas Visitors

KBC Welcomes guests

Keeping up the tradition started during lockdown, we welcomed now familiar guests to our church this week. They’ll be here until just after Christmas!

Why don’t you join them in worshipping the baby Jesus, Sunday 11th December at 11am for our Nativity Service, Sunday 18th December at 5pm for our Carol Service (a football free . . . → Read More: Christmas Visitors

Our Theme for 2024

There is but one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things came and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6