Good Friday Walk of Witness

For the Walk of Witness I had been chosen as one of the marshals, something I have never done. In fact for myself the walk is new, this being only the second year I have attended. Yet I would not now be without this chance to publicly declare my faith. This year’s walk started at . . . → Read More: Good Friday Walk of Witness

Men’s Late, Late Breakfast (curry night…)

Men's Late, Late Breakfast (Curry)

The men’s breakfast group broke from the traditional Saturday morning get together to meet last night for a most enjoyable curry evening.

Just shows the flexibility of the group to go from a “full English on a Saturday morning to a curry on a Thursday night”

The event took place at the Garibaldi pub where . . . → Read More: Men’s Late, Late Breakfast (curry night…)

Service Of Thanksgiving for Children

On Sunday 27 February it was lovely to welcome Caroline and Mark (who come to our Tuesday morning toddler group) and their family and friends to the Thanksgiving Service for Caroline and Mark’s three children.

After the opening worship, before the act of Thanksgiving, our Minister Richard spoke to the children before they went to . . . → Read More: Service Of Thanksgiving for Children

2011 Anniversary Celebration

Jonathan Edwards Preaching

On Sunday 13™ February we celebrated our 144th Church Anniversary. On Saturday evening we had a supper with a delicious variety of hot meals and a selection of Deserts. At the Services on Sunday our Speaker was the Rev Jonathan Edwards General Secretary of the Baptist Union, an excellent speaker, at the morning service we . . . → Read More: 2011 Anniversary Celebration

Knaphill’s Christmas Tree

Knaphill's Christmas Tree

On Thursday the 16th of December a Christmas tree was erected by Knaphill Baptist Church in the centre of Knaphill for the very first time. And at 4:30 in the afternoon about thirty people from the community gathered in the old library garden to witness the lights being turned on and to sing carols accompanied . . . → Read More: Knaphill’s Christmas Tree

Outside Light Balloons, Cakes and Coffee

If you were in Woking this weekend you may have come across Craig working with Outside Light. Outside light as well as working with young people across the area also meet on a regular basis to share the good news with the people of Woking from their table in the town . . . → Read More: Outside Light Balloons, Cakes and Coffee

Remembrance Service

Remembrance 2010

This was the 2nd year a Service of Remembrance was held in Knaphill Village, to remember those that lost their lives in the two World Wars and recent conflicts. This was attended by members of the Armed Forces from Pirbright, Jonathan Lord MP, Councillor Melanie Whitehead and the Royal British legion. The service was lead . . . → Read More: Remembrance Service

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

Over 40 shoeboxes packed with gifts were dedicated on Sunday, ready to go off to Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child. Last year 1.2 million were collected nationally and sent to children in 13 countries across the world. This year OCC will be distributing shoeboxes in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Kenya, Kosova, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Montenegro, Mozambique, . . . → Read More: Operation Christmas Child

KRA – Community Clear Up

Community Clear Up Group Photo

Saturday saw an intrepid group enter into the unkept jungles of the old Knaphill Library garden. Armed only with their wits (and an array of garden tools), this band of explorers from both KBC and KRA (Knaphill Residents Association) worked tirelessly to bring the jungle under control. Restoring it to its former glory ready to . . . → Read More: KRA – Community Clear Up

Robin Hood visits Knaphill

Robin Hood

Robin Hood was seen in Knaphill last Sunday, and whilst his archery skills had lost more than a little of their shine, his zeal for freeing the peope from the evil Sheriff of Nottingham was no less present. He just …ummmm… didn’t want to kill him. . . . → Read More: Robin Hood visits Knaphill

Our Theme for 2024

There is but one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things came and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6