Macmillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee Morning 2010

Very many thanks to everyone who supported our MacMillan Coffee Morning last Friday by making cakes, etc. helping out with serving and washing-up and, of course, by coming and drinking lots of tea & coffee and eating lots of cake. We raised a fantastic £130.51 for this very worthwhile . . . → Read More: Macmillan Coffee Morning

Summer Holiday Club

Richard helps Team Milky Way assemble their spaceship puzzle

Richard helps Team Milky Way assemble their spaceship puzzle

Our final event of the summer was the Children’s Holiday Club from the 17th-20th August from 10-12am. This is our second year, with an increase in the number of children attending this year to 25 – double the number we had last year in . . . → Read More: Summer Holiday Club

Our Theme for 2024

There is but one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things came and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6