Meet Santa


Meet Santa * Free *

Free gift, refreshments & nativity scene.

Knaphill Baptist Church

Saturday 10th December

Between 10.30am-12pm and 1.30-3.30pm

Santa is visiting Knaphill Baptist Church to meet local children. This free event is open to all, but pre-booked tickets are essential to see . . . → Read More: Meet Santa

Renew 88 is now also a Warm Space

Renew 88 at Knaphill Baptist Church, 88 High Street, GU21 2PZ, opened a year ago this month. 

We are now happy to announce that we’ve registered Renew 88 as a Warm Welcome space to provide a free, warm, welcoming and safe place for people to come in this winter.  

. . . → Read More: Renew 88 is now also a Warm Space

Cap Money Course

Cap Money course

We’re running the CAP Money Course. From Monday 10th October, then 17th, 24th, 31st October all at 7:30pm . . . → Read More: Cap Money Course

What’s the best news you’ve ever heard?

Christianity Explored

What’s the best news you’ve ever heard?

 Was that news surprising? Did it change the way you think? Or was it something you wanted to be true but didn’t dare hope?

 We are running the Christianity Explored Course from September!

Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of hearing the best news you can . . . → Read More: What’s the best news you’ve ever heard?

Knaphill Christmas Market

KBC at Knaphill Christmas Market

November 27 – a very cold day, windy and frosty…, but Knaphill BC braved the cold and handed out many leaflets about the real meaning of Christmas, inviting people to our Advent and Christmas services and other activities. Together with other churches in Knaphill we sang carols and made a real choir! Many children made . . . → Read More: Knaphill Christmas Market

Santa is Back!

Santa and an elf

Father Christmas will be making a welcome return to KBC after his enforced self-isolation last year.

Saturday 11th December

11.00am – 1.00pm & 2.00pm – 4.00pm


You’ll also be able to take part in “Get in the Picture”; dress up as characters from the Nativity, take a selfie in our stable, and . . . → Read More: Santa is Back!

Renew 88 Launches

Renew 88


Wellbeing space opens in Knaphill

 On 18 October, Knaphill Baptist Church will open a Renew Wellbeing hub. The church will be open on Monday afternoons 2:00 – 4:00pm and Friday mornings 10:00am – 12:00noon as a quiet shared space where it’s OK not to be OK. The project takes its name from the national . . . → Read More: Renew 88 Launches

Parents and Toddlers re-opening

Parent and Toddlers

We’re really pleased that we can finally re-open our Toddler group. It will necessarily be a little different to how it was 18 month ago, but it’s still the same idea – come and have a chat, the children can play with a vast array of toys, before everyone coming together at the end to . . . → Read More: Parents and Toddlers re-opening

Knaphill Summer Fayre

KBC at Knaphill Fayre

Good to meet you at Knaphill’s Summer Fayre – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! 

Look out for more pictures in Woking’s News and Mail this week. 


Little Lights Children’s Choir

little lights

Since the autumn of 2021 the church has a children’s choir. In the spring of 2022, they adopted the name Little Lights. It is intended for children from about 5 to 9 years old, but in practice some are over 9. Currently there are more boys than girls!

So far, the Little Light have performed . . . → Read More: Little Lights Children’s Choir

Our Theme for 2024

There is but one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things came and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6