Go buy the book… and then go by the book!

summer 2018 bible

There was a notice outside a church which had a large picture of an open Bible, and written alongside were the words, ‘Go buy the Book … and then go by the Book!’ Read Julia’s latest article here. . . . → Read More: Go buy the book… and then go by the book!

It’s OK not to be OK

Ruth Rice

We welcomed Ruth Rice to speak about the place of the church in Wellbeing, mental health and how as a church, we need to create spaces where people can feel that it’s OK not to be OK. . . . → Read More: It’s OK not to be OK

March ’18 Magazine Published

power of the Cross

Our March 2018 magazine is now published, and is available here. . . . → Read More: March ’18 Magazine Published

What is Easter really all about?

york course

Have you ever wanted to know more about what Easter is really all about? . . . → Read More: What is Easter really all about?

Theme for 2018


At the first service of the year we always set out our theme for the year… 2018 is the year of the Mission of God”. It’s Mission ImPossible! Read and listen here… . . . → Read More: Theme for 2018

December ’17 Magazine Published

love in person

Our December 2017 magazine is now published, and is available here. . . . → Read More: December ’17 Magazine Published

Bible Reading Notes for December

Christ in the manger

The word became flesh. God became a human being. Why? How? What does it really mean? In these Advent mediations, we will be meditating on these and other questions that the Incarnation raises by looking at various Old and New Testament passages. ‘Incarnation’, like ‘Trinity’, is not actually a New Testament word but means . . . → Read More: Bible Reading Notes for December

Knaphill Fellowship Group Launched

Knaphill Fellowship Group

You may have heard of the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), well we now have the next best thing in Knaphill, the KFG!

The Knaphill Fellowship Group meets weekly in the church, our sole aim to fight loneliness and have a good time. The group is for anyone aged 18 – 80+.

Sessions will be guided . . . → Read More: Knaphill Fellowship Group Launched

Good News, Great Joy!

Shoeboxes at KBC

Along with churches, schools and workplaces across the UK and wider, KBC member have been packing shoeboxes. . . . → Read More: Good News, Great Joy!

Harvest Celebration

A Harvest Celebration service packed full of great material saw us remembering the work of Operation Agri providing clean water and vocational education in Sri Lanka. Julia even demonstrated how a well works, using sand and a cardboard tube. The water wasn’t quite the cleanest, but it worked! 

And of course, Harvest wouldn’t be the same . . . → Read More: Harvest Celebration

Our Theme for 2024

There is but one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things came and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6