A Rain-Free Bisley Strawberry Fayre

bisley fayre

On one of the few dry days so far this June, we had a great afternoon at the Bisley Strawberry Fayre . . . → Read More: A Rain-Free Bisley Strawberry Fayre

Summer: A God Idea


Read Julia’s latest blog article on Summer here. And our Summer Magazine is published here. . . . → Read More: Summer: A God Idea

Jim Binney appointed Community Minister

Jim Binney Community Minister

We are pleased to announce an addition to our Ministerial Team at Knaphill Baptist Church. . . . → Read More: Jim Binney appointed Community Minister

Faith Pictures


In May and June, KBC are running a 6 week course called ‘Faith Pictures’. Read more about it and get the link to the course materials. . . . → Read More: Faith Pictures

Born in the Fire … Not in the Smoke!


Read Julia’s latest blog on Pentecost and what it means to the church here. . . . → Read More: Born in the Fire … Not in the Smoke!

2016 Anniversary

hands and feet

KBC’s Anniversary was a bit different this year. Spread over two Sundays, perhaps we decided to emulate the slightly more famous birthday lady, and have two birthdays… Or maybe you would describe it as a party that lasted two weeks? Whichever way you look at it, it was well worth the extra!

Last week we . . . → Read More: 2016 Anniversary

Knaphill Spring Market

village market

We had a great time at the Knaphill Village Spring Fair Charity Day today. We took our puppets with us, made lots of balloon animals, flowers, hats etc., for the all the kids who visited our church stall, gave away loads of our special St George’s Day issue of Crosstalk, distributed lots of the Bible . . . → Read More: Knaphill Spring Market

An Easter People in a Good Friday World!

Read Julia’s Easter message “An Easter People in a Good Friday World!” here. . . . → Read More: An Easter People in a Good Friday World!

Lent Thoughts – Accentuate the Positive


Read Julia’s Lent thoughts on Accentuating the positive here. . . . → Read More: Lent Thoughts – Accentuate the Positive

Lent Studies – Loving Mercy

Throughout this year we are thinking about and reflecting on God’s mercy. We started the year looking at Titus 3:4-5, ‘But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy’. Mercy is defined as, ‘a deep, heartfelt compassion . . . → Read More: Lent Studies – Loving Mercy

Our Theme for 2024

There is but one Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom all things came and through whom we live.

1 Corinthians 8:6