This Week’s Notices

Week beginning 23rd March 2025

In this edition:

  • This Week
  • Renew 88
  • From Pieter
  • Foodbank

This week

Sunday 2nd March  11.00am Worship
Monday 2.00pm Renew 88 Open
Tuesday 9.30am Parents and Toddlers
Thursday 7.30pm Prayer Meeting
Friday 10.00am Renew 88 Open
Saturday 6.00pm The Bible Course
Sunday 9th March  11.00am Worship and Communion
Renew 88Warm Welcome Space
Free admission, tea and coffee, games and crafts
Mondays 2:00–4:00pm and Fridays 10:00am–12:00noon

From Pieter


Last year a person who was staying in The Priory attended our church one Sunday.  Hetty had good contact with him.  We have now heard that he has gone back to his home church, Ashtead Baptist Church near Epsom, and will be baptised as a believer on Easter Sunday.   Hetty and I are delighted about this positive development.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday we will welcome any visitors who wish to join us for Pieter and Hetty’s service and the lunch afterwards.  Please contact us us you’d like to attached. 


  1. The Baptist Union (Baptists Together) has made this week a Week of Prayerfor our Baptist family. It includes the following prayer events:
  • Tuesday 25 March 7:30-8:00pm: an online national prayer gathering with those attending BU Council.  Click on the link for details: Prayer_Broadcasts
  • Thursday 27 March will be a day of prayer and fasting.  There will be two times of prayer online:
  1. Tuesday 25 March is also a national day of prayer against assisted suicide. It is called by Affinity, CARE, the Christian Institute, the Christian Medical Fellowship and the Evangelical Alliance. This is an opportunity to unite in praying for the sick, the poor and the future of our health and social care services.  The NHS needs better investment to tackle rising health inequalities, an aging population and to improve end of life and palliative care across the UK.  Legalising assisted suicide is not the answer.

Funeral Melanie Crane

I received a phone call from Melanie’s daughter, Martha, to say that Melanie’s body has been released and that the the Requiem Mass for Melanie Green will take place at St Hugh’s on Monday 7th April at 10am.

Men’s breakfast

The next men’s breakfast will be on Saturday 26th April, organised by Sohan.

foodbank logoFoodbank

The following are required: Small packets of rice (not microwave type), small pots of instant oats, jars of peanut butter, coffee and mayonnaise, long life fruit juice, children’s toothpaste, baby and facial cleansing wipes, shampoo and nappies sizes 4,6 & 7.